Search Warrant

I am on the board of a well known Dance Club.

Stop laughing. It isn’t for my dancing skills. You are doubtless thinking it is for spiritual guidance and moral leadership.

More like, because nobody else would do it.

When we are “elected” (this word usually presumes others ran for the job), we are required to look very silly and say an oath.

I forget most of the oath, but a key section comes to mind: we promise faithfully to hand back any Club documents at the end of our term.

Now, Our Donald, former brief leader of approx 50% of our southern neigbours and despite claims to the contrary, 0% of the Free World, did not take that oath.

I think there was a Policy Book assigned to me, but I never took it off the shelf in the Club office, but had I done so I would gleefully give it back.

These were not Presidential documents, certainly not Classified documents. (My wife is President of the Dance Club, but that is, arguably, a lesser post than Lead U.S.A. Cheese.)

The only similarity between my job and an Aide to the American Pres. is that I also follow my Pres. around with launch codes. Ours are limited to the rival Dance Club, though we prefer just being better than they, rather than ratcheting up the Defcons.

Donald seemingly hoped to skip past a couple of rules (okay, not just these two):


No removing, mutilating or destroying records.


Nobody is above the law.

We don’t know the nature of these alleged removed, mutilated, or destroyed documents, but…

…Donald may wish he had settled for his original idea of shooting someone in broad daylight on Pennsylvania Avenue.

A far more wholesome and, apparently, legal All-American activity.

But here we are, back to Donald the Victim.  Doubtless the legally executed search warrant will be recognized by the faithful as a Raid (Donald’s word already).

Doubtless Ron DeSantis, who sees himself as the heir apparent, will leap to Donald’s side, while hoping the FBI come up, no pun intended, trumps.

Now it is well known that if you want to keep something away from the Authorities, the law allows you to put it in your safe and, fair ball, no-one can look there.

A convicted felon can’t be President. (Not sure if this applies to the Dance Club, but I do see my wife as a poor man’s Donald Trump.)

But worse than the FBI placing his home “under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents”, what is most shocking,


is Donald’s revealing that:

“They even broke into my safe!”

The Authorities are not allowed, search warrant or not, to look at what you hide in a safe so no-one can see it.

THAT is why it is called a safe.

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